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Why what you eat matters...

Food is part and parcel of our daily existence, yet only few of us ponder on its impact on our overall health. I also, dare say, that many of us take it for granted. And perhaps many more of us think of it as just ‘fuel’.

I invite you to foster a deeper connection with what you have on your plate. Why? Because what you eat matters. Food provides sustenance but also information for our genes. And, as intriguing as this might sound, it has been scientifically proven.

The field that provides interface between our genes and the food we consume is called nutrigenomics.

And while what you eat is important, how you eat matters too. Are you eating on the go, in front of your PC, TV or simultaneously doing one task too many? If so, you might want to reconsider how you eat as all the above-mentioned activities have the potential to dysregulate your blood sugar and create unnecessary stress. Digestion only happens when we’re in the ‘rest and digest’ zone (a laymen term for the parasympathetic nervous system).

We’ve been led to believe that so much of our ill health is down to our genes and, while there are certainly diseases where genes absolutely dictate our destiny, many health complaints are due to our nutrition and lifestyle. Which means that we can no longer hide behind the veil of: “It’s my genes, I can’t do anything about it.” Instead, we need to take an active approach to our health. Once we do, there is no going back as the benefits simply outweigh the initial discomfort and resistance some of us might feel. If you need a gentle nudge when you’re falling off the wagon, imagine what life’s like when your health is out of sync! Not a pleasant picture! So, celebrate the fact that you can be the master of your health destiny and implement some simple changes into your daily regimen.

Action points:

  • Banish highly processed foods.

  • Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast as opposed to sugary cereal.

  • Substitute high sugar drinks and beverages with water and herbal teas.

  • Eat seasonal, local and organic produce whenever you can.

  • Cook your meals from scratch the old-fashion way (forget the microwave!) as often as you can.

  • Befriend your vegetables and have some with each meal.

  • Keep your meals diverse (variety is the spice!).

  • Make time for your meals (don't eat on the go!).

  • Allow at least 12 hours between your dinner and breakfast (not for those who are diabetic or suffer from other serious health conditions).

In health, Jana :)

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